VII Concorso di Chitarra “Gaetano Marziali”

Guitar Competition "Gaetano Marziali"​

L’Accademia Musicale G. Marziali, con il patrocinio del Comune di Seveso (MB), organizza il 

VII CONCORSO di CHITARRA “Gaetano Marziali”

The competition is reserved for guitarists of all nationalities and it has the aim of disseminating musical culture, in particular the study of Classical Guitar.

Il Concorso prevede differenti Sezioni e Categorie in base all’età dei concorrenti. L’età anagrafica dei concorrenti, utile per la partecipazione alle categorie, è considerata alla data del 12 febbraio 2023. 

18 febbraio 2023

The Gaetano Marziali Guitar Competition will take place:

in online (by sending a video) for those enrolled in the 1st SECTION (Middle School with musical direction; only for Italian SMIM);

in in presence for those enrolled in the 2nd SECTION

The evaluation of the Competitors in ONLINE mode (1st SECTION - Category A, B and C) ) and the assignment of scores by the Juries will take place by watching the videos sent by the participants.

SENDING VIDEOS (Category A, B, C):
1 – 18 Febbraio 2023

Ecco l'elenco dei vincitori 2023

Categoria A:

1° Premio Assoluto: non assegnato
1° Premio: non assegnato
2° Premio: non assegnato 
3° Premio: non assegnato

Categoria B:

1° Premio Assoluto: MASTRANGELO VIOLA (96 punti)
1° Premio: GOLINO MATILDE (95 punti)
2° Premio: LOSITO TOMMASO (93 punti)
3° Premio: EVARCHI EMANUELE (88 punti)
3° Premio: CONTI LEONARDO (88 punti) 

Categoria C:

1° Premio Assoluto: GRASSI GIOVANNI (96 punti)
2° Premio: D’ONOFRIO ASIA (93 punti)
3° Premio: CERONI RICCARDO (89 punti)
3° Premio: CHIMINELLI  FRANCESCO (86 punti)

Categoria D:

1° Premio Assoluto: GALLINO SONIA (98 punti)
1° Premio: FALCONE AURORA (96 punti)
2° Premio: LE BOLLOC’H AYANNA (93 punti)
2° Premio: DEDIVITIIS CECILIA (90 punti)
3° Premio: RONCEVIC LUKA (87 punti)

Categoria E:

1° Premio Assoluto: MEDOLAGO GIACOMO (96 punti)
1° Premio: FIORENZA ALESSANDRO (95 punti)
2° Premio: DECAROLIS MATTEO (94 punti)
2° Premio: CASATI MIRKO (94 punti)
3° Premio: TORNITORE SIMONE (88 punti)

Categoria F:

1° Premio Assoluto: CONTARESE GIUSEPPE (98 punti)
1° Premio: ANIOŁ ALEKSANDER (96 punti)
2° Premio: LAZZATI GABRIELE (94 punti)
3° Premio: SAMMARTINO LEONARDO (89 punti)

Categoria G:

1° Premio Assoluto: FESTA MICHELE (97 punti)
2° Premio: ANIOŁ KAMIL (94 punti)
3° Premio: FONTANA SAMUELE (88 punti)

Categoria H:

1° Premio Assoluto: FESTA MICHELE (98 punti)
2° Premio: POMPILIO ANTONIO (94 punti)
3° Premio: FIAMINGO VINCENZO (89 punti)
3° Premio: NIZZI DIEGO (85 punti)


Categories A, B, C:     €. 30,00. 

Categories D, E:         €. 40,00.
Categories F, G, H:     €. 50,00.

Participation fees are non-refundable. The fees are net of any bank commissions.
L’età anagrafica dei concorrenti, utile per la partecipazione alle categorie, è considerata alla data del 12 Febbraio 2023.


  • Category A
    student from grade 1:
    (free program - max. 5 min.)

  • Category B
    student from grade 2:
    (free program - max. 6 min.)

  • Category C
    student from grade 3:
    (free program - max. 7 min.)


  • Category D
    Students of age: 10, 11 and 12:
    (free program - max. 5 min.)

  • Category E
    Students of age: 13, 14 and 15:
    free program - max. 10 min.)

  • Category F
    Students of age: 16, 17 and 18:
    (free program - max. 12 min.)

  • Category G
    allievi di anni 19, 20 e 21:
    (programma libero – max. 13 minuti)

  • Category H
    allievi di anni 22, 23, 24, 25
    (free program - max. 18 min.)

L’età anagrafica dei concorrenti, utile per la partecipazione alle categorie, è considerata alla data del 12 Febbraio 2023.
It is possible to participate in the competition by registering in a category that has a higher age than your own.

The registration application must be sent directly via the online form the APPLY page of this site, no later than:        

18 febbraio 2023

Applications received after that date will not be considered.

Applications must be accompanied by 

a) receipt of the payment of the registration fee;

b) disclaimer of use of images / video and audio (the form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page).

Applications must be accompanied by a copy of the payment of the participation fee..

The participation fee is to be paid by bank transfer to:

BENEFICIARY: Accademia Musicale G. Marziali  

IBAN: IT72 D056 9633 8700 0001 1146 X07 BIC SWIFT: POSOIT22

THE BANK TRANSFER MUST SPECIFY: Surname Name - Section and Category

  After the registration for the Competition, duly registered competitors (Categories A, B, C ) will receive instructions for sending their video to the email address stated during registration. 

Competitors must send the video recording, of the duration relative to their category, following the procedure indicated in the email. The videos can be sent on dates between:    

1 –  18 FEBBRAIO 2023.

Il concorrente che per qualsiasi ragione non abbia inviato il proprio video entro la scadenza  del 17 Febbraio 2023 perde il diritto a partecipare al Concorso, senza aver diritto al rimborso della quota di partecipazione. 

The Jury, after having viewed the recordings individually, will meet by videoconference for discussion and the awarding of prizes. On   25 Febbraio 2023  from 6.00 p.m., the results of each category and the awarding of any special prizes will be announced on the Facebook page of the Competition. These results will also be promptly published on the Competition website and related social networks.  

- All Diplomas will be sent electronically via email to the e-mail address provided upon registration.

- Participants will be able to view the recordings of other competitors by accessing a private folder, for viewing only, whose link will be sent by the organization to the competitors only after the end of the Competition.

The video recording must have the following characteristics:  

1) video recording from a fixed location with a single continuous shot, without cuts or audio editing,, under penalty of disqualification from the Competition;

2) Theshot must fully include the competitor and his guitar;

3) at the beginning of the video the competitor must declare:
- competitor name e surname,,
- competitor date of birth,
- the music program that will be performed
- that the video is made specifically for the Gaetano Marziali 2023

4) a video of good audio and video quality is required, with the candidate's complete figure clearly visible.

Candidates must arrive for the start of the auditions with a valid identification document

alle 9.00 del giorno 25 febbraio 2023

at the Gaetano Marziali Academy - via Zeuner, 5 - 20822 - Seveso (MB).

A candidate, who for any reason does not show up at the place and time indicated, loses the right to participate in the competition without being entitled to a refund of the participation fee.

The candidates auditions in the presence of the Jury will take place, according to the division into categories, in alphabetical order according to the calendar drawn up by the organization; at the end of the auditions of each category, the Jury will proclaim the winners.

The organization provides a music stand and footrest for the audition rooms.

The awarding of the winners will take place on the same day of the Competition at the end of the auditions (approximately at 6.30 pm) in the Concert Hall of the Academy. 

Non verranno consegnati premi e diplomi ai vincitori che non prenderanno parte al Concerto di Premiazione.

The competition juries will be made up of professional guitarists and musicians.

If a member of the Jury has in place, or had during the year preceding the start of the contest, didactic relationships with one or more competitors, he/she will refrain from expressing the vote on the contest of the competitor in question.

The Jury will formulate the score in hundredths according to the following criterion:

• First place: score from 95 to 100;
• Second place: vote from 90 to 94;
• Third place: score from 85 to 89.

The competitor who has the best score among the first classified (95-100) of each category will be declared the winner of the Absolute First Prize..

The Jury may assign merit prizes..

The decisions of the Jury are to be considered unquestionable and unappealable.

Category A
Absolute 1st Prize: Diploma,
    10 CD GUITART Collection  dedicated to the guitar repertoire,
    3 publications SINFONICA
1st Prize: Diploma
2nd Prize: Diploma
3rd Prize: Diploma

Category B
Absolute 1st Prize: Diploma,
    10 CD GUITART Collection  dedicated to the guitar repertoire,
    3 publications SINFONICA
1st Prize: Diploma
2nd Prize: Diploma
3rd Prize: Diploma

Category C
Absolute 1st Prize: Diploma,
      10 CD GUITART Collection dedicated to the guitar repertoire,
    3 publications SINFONICA
1st Prize: Diploma
2nd Prize: Diploma
3rd Prize: Diploma

Category D
Absolute 1st Prize: Diploma,
      5 strings set LA BELLA,
      10 CD GUITART Collection dedicated to the guitar repertoire,
    3 publications SINFONICA
1st Prize: Diploma
2nd Prize: Diploma
3rd Prize: Diploma

Category E
Absolute 1st Prize: Diploma, 
       5 strings set LA BELLA,
       10 CD GUITART Collection dedicated to the guitar repertoire,
     3 publications SINFONICA
1st Prize: Diploma
2nd Prize: Diploma
3rd Prize: Diploma

Category F
Absolute 1st Prize: Diploma, 
       5 strings set LA BELLA,
      10 CD GUITART Collection dedicated to the guitar repertoire,
    3 publications SINFONICA
1st Prize: Diploma
2nd Prize: Diploma
3rd Prize: Diploma

Category G
Absolute 1st Prize: Diploma, 
      5 strings set LA BELLA,
    Chitarra Classica SALVADOR CORTEZ
    Borsa di Studio di €. 150,00
1st Prize: Diploma
2nd Prize: Diploma
3rd Prize: Diploma

Category H
Absolute 1st Prize: Diploma, 
    Concert Guitar MARCO LORENZON
    €. 200,00 Scholarship
1st Prize: Diploma
2nd Prize: Diploma
3rd Prize: Diploma

SPECIAL PRIZE: 3 musical score SINFONICAd edicated to the guitar repertoire. It will be assigned by the commission to the best competitor, regardless of the category of participation.

For the application of the competitors is required the disclaimer of use of the images 


The form can be downloaded at the link on the side and must be filled in, signed and sent by e-mail to


For information, please contact the Competition Secretariat:  


or contact the Artistic Direction:
chiamate e messaggi:
+39 333 583 7829

Contact us for more information ​

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