electric bass guitar

Electric bass guitar course​

The electric bass guitar course is open to everyone, young people and adults of all levels, and provides for the acquisition of knowledge of the instrument, technical and performance mastery of rhythmic cells and independence in constructing a melodic line for accompaniment or soloing.

  • RECIPIENTS: from 10 years old
    - individual lessons of 30', 45' and 60'
    – shared lessons (2 students) of 45′ and 60′
    Weekly attendance
    Paths of 10 collective lessons are activated from October for a total of 20 hours of workshop with final public recital
  • TEACHERSNicola Cesareo

Vuoi provare lo strumento? Acquista lo Starter Pack!

  • 4 lezioni da 30 minuti ciascuna
  • potrai provare uno o due strumenti a tua scelta
  • il costo (97 euro) verrà poi scalato nel caso ti iscriverai al corso annuale

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