Modern singing course
For the singer, the instrument is the body and no two voices are the same: the study begins with the relaxed and harmonious perception of posture and breathing and leads to the gradual refinement of intonation and rhythmic sense, allowing the voice to be freed through different repertoires and styles. We look forward to seeing you at the Academy to help you discover your voice through music!
The modern singing course is aimed at young people and adults of all levels who wish to approach or deepen their study of pop, rock and modern singing in general. The course offers exercises and pieces of increasing difficulty, developing vocal skills and competence in the various technical, rhythmic and melodic aspects of the pieces.
The genre and repertoire to be covered will be agreed with the teacher.
- RECIPIENTS: from 10 years old
- individual lessons of 30', 45' and 60'
– shared lessons (2 students) of 45′ and 60′
Courses of 10 collective lessons are activated from October for a total of 20 hours of workshop with final public recital. - TEACHERS: Barbara Cossu – Lorena Gioia
Vuoi provare lo strumento? Acquista lo Starter Pack!
- 4 lezioni da 30 minuti ciascuna
- potrai provare uno o due strumenti a tua scelta
- il costo (97 euro) verrà poi scalato nel caso ti iscriverai al corso annuale
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