Introduction to music
"Io cresco con la musica"
The course aims to approach children to music through play activities in which all the musical aptitudes normally present in children are activated and exercised; it is divided into different age groups so as to allow the realisation of activities adapted to the different degrees of mental and psychomotor development of the children.
Course topics:
- exercises on the parameters of sound: pitch, intensity, timbre and duration
- rhythm and movement, reading of musical rhythms with progressive difficulty
- Vocal education, especially through choral singing, and early literacy in musical notation
- use of percussion instruments
- listening to simple musical pieces
- knowledge of musical instruments "live".
Demonstrations lessons open to parents and the general public are planned during the school year..
The texts of the method “io cresco con la musica®” ed. Rugginenti&Volontè are used in the customised courses according to the age of the participants.
- RECIPIENTSchildren 3 - 8 years old
Le lezioni, a frequenza settimanale e della durata di 45’, sono collettive con max 10 allievi per classe. - COURSE LEVELS BASED ON AGE:
- Kindergarten (3-6 years) - Workshop "I grow with music®"
- Primary School - first class - ORANGE book course
- Primary School - second and third classes - YELLOW book course
- Primary School - from second class - "I grow with the ukulele" course - TEACHERS: Jennifer Grasso – Carla Pastormerlo – Veronica Romanò – Sofia Pecorelli
Vuoi provare lo strumento? Acquista lo Starter Pack!
- 4 lezioni da 30 minuti ciascuna
- potrai provare uno o due strumenti a tua scelta
- il costo (97 euro) verrà poi scalato nel caso ti iscriverai al corso annuale
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